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Cannot update edge gateway – The following IP addresses are already in use

By Antti Hurme 06/11/2013 No Comments 2 Min Read

vSheild firewalls in VMware vCloud Director can sometimes give errors with allocated IP addresses and claim that they are already in use, even though they are not. vCloud Director does have an option for IP Address release timeout, but in my experience this doesn’t work every time. To change the default IP address release timeout, go to the Administration tab and select general from System Settings. You can find network…

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Random packet loss with VMware ESXi 5.1 virtual machines using VCNI

By Antti Hurme 16/01/2013 3 Comments 5 Min Read

This post is about a really odd problem that occurred some while ago, and was solved with a really small configuration change on all vSwitches on all the hosts in the cluster. I haven’t come across the same problem on a single host, but that doesn’t say it’s not possible. As the topic says, the problem showed itself as just a really random packet loss between traffic from the Virtual Machine to the outside network. Sometimes…

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