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Unable to create VMware VMFS Datastore on disk

By Antti Hurme 04/03/2023 No Comments 2 Min Read

Encountered an issue I haven’t seen at work, caused by re-using disks in my homelab. The disks were previously in use on a Windows Server, and after transferring the disks to my main homelab server I couldn’t create a VMFS partition from the vSphere GUI. I received the error “Call HostDatastoreSystem.QueryVmfsDatastoreCreateOptions for object ha-datastoresystem on ESXi failed” and couldn’t format the disk. The solution it to overwrite any partition data on the disk with a…

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Dell Poweredge R730xd with Asus Hyper NVMe Adapter Part2: VMware and Minio

By Antti Hurme 26/02/2023 3 Comments 7 Min Read

In the previous post I went through how to configure NVMe adapters in PCIe slots to bifurcation, to enable them to be used as individual drives in your virtualization host of choice. In this post, I’ll go through how to enable the drives as pass-through in VMware to use them as Minio disk storage. If you want, you can do the same with Truenas to create a ZFS disk. Dell…

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Azure AAD Single-Sign Token Issues with VMware vCloud Director

By Antti Hurme 09/09/2019 No Comments 2 Min Read

If you’re using Azure AAD as your federation SSO identity source, you might end up with the following error in your vcloud-container-debug.log pointing to an old token; Caused by: Authentication statement is too old to be used with value 2019-08-12T08:12:11.298Z and Authentication request failed: Error validating SAML message By default, Azure tokens have a fairly long lifetime, and VMware vCloud Director only accepts tokens with a maximum age…

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