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Veeam NFR licensing renewal for your homelab not available?! What to do 2024 onwards?

By Antti Hurme 07/12/2024 No Comments 4 Min Read

If you are reading this, you probably tried to renew your NFR license with Veeam and as me you haven’t really followed what Veeam has done regarding licensing. Doing it the old way, you searched for NFR license key for Veeam Backup & Replication, and then ended up to the same old form where you say you are a VMware VCP/VCAP etc certified. And then you get the email below;…

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Veeam Agent: “Windows Agent Error: Failed to read data from the data reader String was not recognized.Veeam Agent: “

After upgrading my homelab Veeam v12 to Backup & Replication 12.1(, my Windows Agent backups started to fail with the newest Windows Agent backup version The error received on all agents were “Windows Agent Error: Failed to read data from the data reader String was not recognized.”. Downgrading the agent to 6.0.1090 did solve the issue, but upgrading the agent would result in the same issue to present. Note…

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