Just a quick note on how to manually start the hyperic server services. This might be needed if the database doesn’t exit/shutdown normally and thus doesn’t start up right the next time. And if the database isn’t running, the Hyperic UI server won’t start. Login to the server with ssh, use the hqamdin password with the root username that you specified during the vFabric Hyperic Appliance deployment, unless you have changed them of course.
First start the Postgresql database:
hyperic-db:/# su -c '/opt/vmware/vpostgres/9.1/bin/pg_ctl start -D /opt/vmware/vpostgres/9.1/data/' - hqadmin
Once the database is running, start the hyperic-server:
hyperic-server: /# su -c '/opt/hyperic/server-5.7.1-EE/bin/./hq-server.sh start' - hyperic
you can follow if the Hyperic server starts properly from /opt/hyperic/server-5.7.1-EE/logs/bootstrap.log
Note: This guide is based on vFabric Hyperic Appliance v5.7