Las time I found a nice script that allowed to get all thick provisioned disks and listed them out. The script utilized the get-vm commandlet that isn’t exactly effective and is quite slow. Unforionately I managed to delete the commends while fiddling with the database from that post and thus lost the suggestion fromt he commends. Here’s my second take on the problem and is a lot faster than the previous one. Also the output is better this time around.
############################################################# ### ### Get all thick provisioned disks v2 ### Version 1 ### 17.5.2013 ### ############################################################## ### ### CONFIGURATION ### $login_user = "" $login_pwd = "" $login_host = "Enter your vCenter Server here" ############################################################## ### END ############################################################## ###Prepare variables $vmlist = @() ###Check if we are connected to vCenter Server(s) if($global:DefaultVIServers.Count -lt 1) { echo "We need to connect first" #To connect using predefined username-password #Connect-VIServer $login_host -User $login_user -Password $login_pwd -AllLinked:$true #To connect using PowerCLI credential store Connect-VIServer $login_host -AllLinked:$true } else { echo "Already connected" } get-view -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name, "Config.Hardware.Device" | %{ $vmName = $ $_.Config.Hardware.Device | where {$_.GetType().Name -eq "VirtualDisk"} | %{ if(!$_.Backing.ThinProvisioned){ $sizeInGb = [Math]::Round(($_.CapacityInKB / 1MB),2) $type = if ($_.Backing.ThinProvisioned) { “THIN” } else { "THICK" } $label = $_.DeviceInfo.Label $vmlist += "" | Select-Object @{n="VmName";e={$vmName}},@{n="DiskLabel";e={$label}},@{n="Backing";e={$type}},@{n="SizeInGB";e={$sizeInGb}} } } } #Print out our table $vmlist | format-table -autosize
great script! Although we have a really big virtual environment with several hundred VMs and at least a dozen clusters it delivered the result within a few seconds. Thank you!
Happy to hear you found it useful :)
Thanks for the script. Could you please help me sending output of this in an email?
Antti, As version 3 for this: Could you add the cluster and datastore for each vm.